Gorf repair log – Player 2 button stuck closed
Status: FIXED
Repair cost: 6 cents
KLOV Post: http://forums.arcade-museum.com/showthread.php?t=106860
Symptom: 2 coins always starts 2-player game. Checked diagnostic screen and it showed P2 button always closed.
Diagnosis: Continuity between common ground (orange/red) and P2 button (red/yellow) lines all the way back to the board. Problem on mainboard.
- 10/15/09 – P2 button: Pin 19 on J1 connector. Runs thru R16, R32 which tested good. Traced P2 line back to U3 (a MC14539B multiplexer IC) pin 10, which was stuck high.
- 10/19/09 – With the help of a friend, realizing pin 10 on U3 is an input, something upstream must be causing the high signal. Tested U3 for shorts (conductivity tests between inputs/Vcc), everything tested fine. A series of pullup resistors and a cap is upstream of that pin…. Pulled resistors, which tested good. Pulled C16 (104Z ceramic axial cap) which tested bad. Waiting for parts.
- 10/24/09 – Replaced C16, P2 no longer closed.